Shampoo Supermarket vs Professional

Shampoo Supermarket vs Professional

Shampoo Supermarket vs Professional. Shampoo is one of the most important products in hair care. Nowadays, it’s very common to undergo a color change or process in your hair that you want to last.

One of the most crucial cases is coloring, which requires special care to ensure that the hair doesn’t dry out, maintains shine, and keeps the color for a long time.

One of any woman’s nightmares is losing hair color in one or two weeks. This can happen due to various factors such as the water used in your city, the shampoo you use, and the type of dye you used.

Many professional dyes maintain color quite well, some better than others. However, shampoo also plays an important role in color loss, frizz, or dryness that you may experience.

Colors like red fade quickly in hair, so a color-safe shampoo helps maintain the color for longer.

Shampoo Supermarket vs Professional

It’s important to know the ingredients in your shampoo so you can make the best purchase to avoid damaging your hair or the color.

Salt is an ingredient used in almost all shampoos because it thickens them. The amount of salt in shampoo is minimal compared to the dissolved salts in the water that runs in thousands of colonies.

But there are different types of salts… Sodium Chloride is an ingredient that adds texture to shampoo without stripping away oils, while if the label says Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, it is very abrasive and irritating, used in hair lightening products.

Sodium chloride dries out the hair, making it prone to breakage, falling out, and losing color.

Sulfate is not the same as salt…

Sulfate is responsible for cleaning and creating foam, while salt gives the product its consistency.

In my experience, I would recommend a professional sulfate-free shampoo for daily hair care.

Shampoo Supermarket vs Professional

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